Saturday, May 18

Going Beyond With Sheraton Cairo!

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The incredibly authentic backdrop of the Pyramids, the Egyptian Museum, and the Nile slicing through the city are all spectacles enriching the Sheraton Cairo’s legacy of meaningful memories that lasted for more that 40 years. So when Sheraton Cairo Hotel & Casino invited us on a culinary odyssey that stems from the legacy, we knew we’re in to a day of iconic wonder where the Old World meets the New and the ancient art of storytelling is alive and well. This work of art has been closed for 6 years, and we were able to take it for a test run before a whole bunch of people could!

Starting the journey, we were bedazzled by the eccentric Rawi restaurant where we were treated to every delicacy in the book; accompanied by the angelic voice of Farida El Gueretly. Then it was time for the vintage Studio 70, because we had a lot of calories we had to burn. We danced the night away to the tunes of Despacito and other hits! But, unfortunately the night had to end and the 5* hotel room with velvet sheets, squishy pillows, a softly embracing mattress and a magnificent view of the Nile was waiting to bring some happy dreams our way!

The morning brought to us a gourmet breakfast at the Club Lounge on the 26th floor, followed by a hotel tour that made us certain that Sheraton Cairo has more to offer than what meets the eye. Ballrooms, open air cafés, royal suites with automatic bathrooms that sense your fear, or other stuff! Want more?! The gym there is another story. Whether you’re a novice or fitness expert, Sheraton Cairo goes beyond by offering something for everyone. Located on the second floor of the hotel and open 24/7 for in-house guests, Sheraton Fitness is furnished with state-of the-art equipment that offers an interactive heart rate system along with touch-screen technology to personalize your entertainment options.

Last but not least, we headed to Gianni’s New York Italian Restaurant; yes, you heard it right, because one-country-only cuisine is so outdated! Everyone was wearing an apron and cooking  with Chef Antonio Carrano, Head Chef of the restaurant! Offering his culinary philosophy from one nation of food lovers to another, Chef Carrano believes “to be a good cook, you have to love food as our mothers have always done for us.”

So in a nutshell, if you want a place in the heart of Cairo to make your stay remarkable, don’t give it a second thought! Step inside Sheraton Cairo’s immersive gastronomic setting into a retreat that inspires the senses and takes you in a journey that will whisk you into the past and usher you into the future.

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