Saturday, May 18

Your Ultimate Guide to Staying Healthy & Fit in Your 30s!

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Are you in your 30s (or approaching them)? What’s your current fitness routine like? Maybe you’ve passed your 30s. Are you happy with your fitness level? – Here we’ll guide you to the most successful ways to reach your fitness goals, so stick with us till the end to achieve results beyond imagination!

So let’s see… It all started  the time you started being lazy and gave in more into junk food and minimal to ZERO workout, until your body endurance was decreased significantly and fitness became like impossible.

You should know that in your 30s you may find yourself getting tired earlier in the evening, noticing subtle signs of aging on your skin and staring at a reflection in the mirror that looks a bit… different. Well stop right there, you need to benefit from life and youth. You are still young!

You just have to adapt your approach to fitness and nutrition in some simple steps. Eat well, stay hydrated, get enough rest, laugh often and stay motivated. Another important thing, your metabolism will be slowing down, so you gotta change your workout habits taking that into consideration…

We know, your workload is probably at an all-time high — which doesn’t help when trying to maintain a healthy, balanced diet, yet we all know this is not going to change so it’s about time you start spinning the wheel in all your favors.

Making small, positive improvements will keep you ahead of the game, you don’t need to become an athlete just by the very first week of workout, give yourself time and allow your body to heal.

Since everyone is different, however, not all of these suggestions may apply to you — and that’s OK! Take what you need and ditch what you don’t. It’s vital to keep in mind that this is your body. This is life, and it’s completely natural. And remember: YOU can do it!

So first things first!

As we established earlier, by your late 20s, your body’s ability to burn calories (metabolism) begins to slow down. And, unfortunately, that trend continues into your 30s. But the good news is that there are two ways to actively combat this…

Firstly: Clean Up Your Diet

The biggest way to improve your diet is to cut out refined sugars and simple carbohydrates (things like white rice, white pasta, white bread, potatoes and sugary items). Taking in fewer unhealthy calories will help you maintain weight rather than put on more plus become healthier.

A change of seasons is the perfect time to rethink old eating habits and make healthy food swaps, so let us walk you through these habits to clean up your diet:


Added Sugars. Sodas and packaged foods are often loaded with hidden added sugars, upping your risk of obesity and heart problems. It is thus recommended to keep added sugars under 4 teaspoons for women and 6 teaspoons for men a day. Little advice: When you want a sweet treat, reach for fruit source instead.

Salt. On an average we intake 3,400 milligrams of sodium a day. Cut 1,000 mg out every day and you could lower your risk of heart disease significantly.

Refined Grains. White flour, white rice and the like are stripped of healthy fiber, vitamins and minerals. Check food labels carefully and look for foods that list whole grains as the first or second ingredient.

Processed foods. Prepared foods with long lists of ingredients load you up with sugars, salts and unhealthy trans fat. Pass them up and make room for more healthy, whole food instead.


Fruits and Veggies. They’re colorful, low in calories, rich in nutrients and antioxidants, and can help prevent heart disease—what’s not to love? Make vegetables the star at dinnertime: start with veggies you have on hand or what looks good at the market, add a protein and starch, and you’re set.

Whole Grains. Eating more whole grains may help you live longer by reducing your risk of cancer, heart disease and premature death from other causes.

Healthy Fats. Eaten in moderation, some high-fat foods —think avocados, nuts, eggs, fatty fish, olive oil, dark chocolate and cheese— are super good for you. Medical experts say eating more of them can help curb cravings for processed carbs. So yes they actually help you!

Probiotics. Foods rich in probiotics help keep your gut healthy by feeding the “good” bacteria. Some good sources: yogurt, sauerkraut and some cheeses.


Well, this is rather the key to it all as we have been numerously told. This method is super easy and all you need to do is eat all what you wish for but at smaller portions, it may seem unfair at the beginning but later on, your stomach will adapt to getting only those small portions whilst feeling full. Tip: Use smaller plates and serve dinner from the stove rather than on the table.

Secondly: Amp Up Your Fitness.

Fitness comes in many forms. Strength, cardio, speed, power and flexibility are just five of the 10 fundamentals of fitness. Regardless of how you like to exercise, always keep these in mind and consciously try to expose yourself to as many as possible.

Examples for that: 

Running… Pairs cardiovascular endurance, stamina and speed.

Step Aerobics… Includes cardio, speed, power and accuracy.

Yoga… Requires flexibility, strength and coordination.

Swimming… Addresses pretty much all 10.

Now when it comes to fitness, there are 2 habits that you need to cut on…


If you’re not new to fitness, your 30s can be a time to push yourself. During each workout, set a small list of intentions.This will help you make sure you’re getting the most of your workouts and that nothing is wasted. Try adding time, weight or intensity.

Take this as an example: add 10 minutes and a small incline to your treadmill session, add five to 10 pounds every two weeks to your strength training, push a little bit harder during your cycling class or add an extra lap to your morning swim. This will pay off very fast and beyond your expectations.


It’s important to set specific, attainable goals. If you’re already rocking your workouts and have a routine in place, your goal might simply be to keep going. Or your 30s might be a great opportunity to take a second look at the goals you set in your 20s to see if they’re still what you want.

But not everyone is in that position, so if you’re new to the gym and find the thought of getting in shape daunting, write down your goals and seek the help of a personal trainer. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish. Do you want to get in super-amazing shape? Do you simply want to feel a bit fitter and more energetic? Or are you already in great shape and you want to maintain what you’ve built?

Once you’ve made your decision, it’s time to implement your plan. You can hire a personal trainer if you’re really unsure of how to put together a training program and how to achieve those results. Or you could do a little homework and find your own workout plan. There’s no “right” way to exercise. As long as you’re being safe, practicing correct form, increasing your heart rate and improving the fundamentals mentioned above, you’re on track!


Even in your 30s, your body can become a tight little ball of tension directly after a workout. A proper cooldown and foam rolling is essential for releasing this tension and returning your muscles to a resting state. In your 20s, you might have happily walked around with knots in your shoulders and thought nothing of it. As you get into your 30s, these knots can become the cause of some nasty little headaches. So take time to stretch.

If you find yourself with a constant ache post-workout, try some Sauna and Jacuzzi. It shall assess your tension level and help you out it’s the most successful way to relieve deep knots and balled-up tension.

Now that you got our top tips on staying fit & healthy after 30, no excuse more for you to start your journey to a better health and physique.. come on , no one ever gained anything being just a couch potato, ain’t that right?! 😉

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