Sunday, May 19

Making Room for Cooking and Eating with IKEA!

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Research shows that choosing what to cook is the least favorite part of the cooking process for at least 35% of people surveyed. But now technology is making it easier with nearly 60% of millennials cooking with either their phones or tablets at hand… However, finding the right recipe is only half the battle. There’s still the cook, serve and store parts of the process.  

Some people have a knack for cooking. The rest of us need a little help. So catering to the needs of busy, on-the-go people _which is at the heart of what IKEA does; the world’s largest homeware retailer launched a new campaign to “Make Room for Cooking & Eating” where IKEA offers clever, durable tools to make it easier to do two (or five) things at once.

Cooking a meal you love should be as fun as it is to eat it.  And nowhere is that more relevant than in the kitchen. IKEA kitchens and accessories make it easy and fun, offering high-quality, beautiful and clever solutions that fit traditional and modern styles.

And since a lot of that has to do with the cookware, IKEA offers durable pots that make it a treat to sautée, steam and boil your way through your favorite recipes. Whether you’re just popping popcorn or serving up a restaurant-worthy fish fillet, SENSUELL cookware makes it easy to cook like a master chef. And whether it is baked aubergines for a dinner party for eight or oven chips for a quick meal for one, IKEA ovenware _coming in a wide mix of sizes and styles, would suit whatever you are cooking.

Now when it comes to setting the table, there are no rules. Doing exactly what you want, you’ll have the perfect recipe for making the moment feel as good as the food tastes. IKEA has a wide choice of dinnerware that combines practicality with style, so your table always has your personal touch whether you’re serving breakfast cereals or candlelit dinners.

Once you’ve cleared the table, don’t lose the flavor or the food. As well as sealing in the taste, IKEA food storage containers keep everything tidy and easier to find, so you can concentrate on the cooking. And when you turn yesterday’s leftovers into today’s lunchtime treat, seeing what you have in the fridge means you throw away less food (and money).

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