Saturday, May 18

Coca-Cola, Wara Kol Ezaza Hekaya

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For eight long days of creativity, Coca-Cola hosted a special event highlighting its new campaign “Wara Kol Ezaza Hekaya”. Sponsoring Cairo’s Photograph week, the well renown company invited many amateurs, professionals, and hobbyist photographers to share their memories with the Coca-Cola bottle.

Cairo’s Photography week was established by Photopia – a special photography school in Cairo – where many photographers and videographes reside and tend to their talents and hobbies. The purpose of the mini-festival was to help these talents flourish, take courses and work on themselves, and find job opportunities for them to be able to recognize.

The festival stayed interesting as there was a competition judged by Coca-Cola’s marketing team as well as professional Photographer Batool EL Dawaawy. The competition was set for 3 days during the festival, where contestants were required to take pictures of the bottle in all stages of his life since he was a child.

The festival went on for 100 hours with 20 workshops, 70 seminars, shows by professionals, 25 local sponsorships and 2000 visitors. 3 winners were chosen to get their work shared on Coca-Cola’s official pages; Ahmed Soleiman, Hala Diaa, and Mohamed Enany.

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